Throughout its 4.6 billion years of existence, Earth has undergone dramatic transformations, each shaping the planet into what we recognize today. From a fiery, molten world to the lush blue-green sphere of modern times, Earth’s history is a tale of resilience and evolution. Below, we explore the key stages in Earth’s appearance, diving deep into […]
History of the Iron: A Deep Dive into the Evolution of the Household Essential
The history of the iron is a fascinating journey through time, from its humble beginnings as a primitive tool to the advanced, energy-efficient appliances we use today. The ironing iron, often taken for granted in the modern household, has a long and storied past. In this comprehensive exploration, we will uncover the origins of the […]
How Rare Are Rare Earth Elements Really?
Rare earth elements (REEs) are often portrayed as elusive, scarce materials essential for modern technology. From smartphones to electric vehicles, their applications are widespread, making their availability crucial. However, despite the term “rare,” these elements are not as rare as the name suggests. This article explores the true abundance of rare earths, the challenges in […]
Things to avoid on Friday the 13th
Legend has it that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, and many people pass on things not to do to avoid bad luck on this day. To minimize bad luck on this day, we should avoid certain things. Listed below are taboos passed down to help steer clear of misfortune on Friday the 13th. […]
Why are people “afraid” of Friday the 13th?
According to the Gregorian calendar, Friday the 13th always appears at least once a year, and some years this day appears up to 3 times. And on this day, people are often afraid and limit going out. So where does this fear come from? According to Western beliefs, Friday the 13th is considered a very […]
What is Friday the 13th? Horrible things that happen on this day
Friday the 13th is a number that always scares everyone about the bad luck and misfortune it brings. It is no coincidence that many people fear this day, many terrible things have happened on Friday the 13th, further strengthening that belief. In 2022, the nearest Friday the 13th will be on May 13, 2022. To […]
Explore the Highest Inhabited Place on Earth
The inhabitants of La Rinconada, the world’s highest settlement located in the Peruvian Andes, encounter a distinctive array of challenges. Over 80 million people worldwide reside at elevations of at least 8,000 feet (2,500 meters) above sea level, with the majority living in regions such as South America, Central Asia, and East Africa. Among the […]
The truth about images stored in the eyes of… the dead
For a long time, scientists wondered whether the eyes could store images of our last glances before we die. And it was not until the invention of the camera that this interesting topic was widely studied. Failed experiments Scientist Wilhelm Kühne saw the picture in the rabbit’s eye as it died. In 1876, German physiologist […]
Fun Facts About Thanksgiving
Did you know that the first Thanksgiving in the world lasted for 3 days, about 280 million turkeys were consumed on Thanksgiving Day…?
Indispensable dishes on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in the United States, Canada and some countries around the world. This is the day when family members gather together to enjoy a cozy dinner. And the indispensable dish on this day is the fragrant, golden roasted turkey. So besides turkey, what other dishes are on the Thanksgiving menu? Usually, […]